Spring equinox is only weeks away and with it the promise of new life! Though at times it may not be visible, the earth is slowly thawing and warming in preparation for seeds to sprout and buds to open. Take heart, Spring is arriving! The Dance Temple Collective is excitedly planting the seeds of intention for the next instalment of the 'Deep Dive' coming up at the end of this month! We would love you to join us on this journey of deepening in our bodies, dance, and community! CURRENT EVENTS Monday Evenings 7-9pm, Beaver Point Hall, $10-15. Monday nights offer a sweet dance experience - there's often a core group of dancers and space on the dance floor to move and get creative. Thursday Evenings 7-9pm, Beaver Point Hall, $10-15. And of course, if you want to get swept into the wild energy of a full dance floor then this one's for you! MESSAGES FROM THE COLLECTIVE Children We are on the lookout for a playmate for the children! Please contact us if you or someone you know would love to supervise children on Thursday nights so they can be free to roam in and out of the dance space, and their parents can be free to get their dance on! This is a paid position. Carpooling Carpooling is a great option for getting to Dance Temple!! Meet at Embe Bakery at 6:40 pm to either give or get a ride! You can also check out the Dance Temple Carpool group and post for linkups. Reminder of Intoxicant-Free Space Dance Temple is a safe and sacred space that is intoxicant-free. If you are partaking in any substances before you come to dance, please do so discreetly and be aware of any scent that you may bring with you into the dance space. When we dance we are in a heightened state of sensitivity and we can strongly affect one another. UPCOMING DANCE TEMPLE EVENTS Deep Dive Dance Immersion March 29 - March 31, 2019 What is it that you are springing into? In this dance immersion, you will have the opportunity to explore what is budding in your life. What new flowers are beginning their journey into blossom? What new bird songs are wanting to be sung through you? What is thawing out within you and giving way to new life? Experience an expansive range of dance modalities, somatic movement practices, the joy of being in community, and sacred space to set your intentions and plant your seeds for the seasons ahead! This weekend will be hosted and facilitated by Naomi Jason, Cedar Mathias, Shauna Devlin, and Cat Love, and Lila Spencer. Check out our event on Facebook or our website for more information. "There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them." -Vicki Baum Giving thanks for this practice of dance, and for this dance community, that keeps our hearts glowing with joy. In dancing spirit ~ The Dance Temple Collective
10/18/2022 03:45:29 pm
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