Summer has now arrived with her long days, hot sun, and abundantly flourishing nature. Our beloved island is beginning to buzz with the excitement and fullness of this season. Likewise, Dance Temple is picking up energy, pulsing with more dancers on the floor and more bodies in motion! What a perfect time to come together in movement to feel the aliveness in our bodies and in our community! CURRENT EVENTS Monday Evenings 7-9pm, Beaver Point Hall, $10-15. Monday nights offer a sweet dance experience - there's often a core group ofdancers and lots of space on the dance floor to move and get creative. Thursday Evenings 7-9pm, Beaver Point Hall, $10-15. And of course, if you want to get swept into the wild energy of a full dancefloor then this one's for you! MESSAGES FROM THE COLLECTIVE Introducing the DT Collective - Over the next few months, we are taking the opportunity to introduce ourselves to you! Next up... Shauna Devlin
Shauna has been studying & dancing the 5Rhythms® since 2005 and began teaching in 2010. She has founded Dance Your Ability, a not-for-profit society bringing movement & dance to everyBODY. "Dance & music have always been the places where I could find myself while losing myself. In moving and listening to music something happens where I am able to tap into my soul while characters or ways to protect myself drop away, beat by beat. I am able to connect to my true self, dropping the story of who I think I should be. Connection to self via the dance can lead to connection with others and to the larger group. I now see that connection is everything. I absolutely LOVE facilitating movement. Being in a room with people feels like a blank canvas to me. I feel into the room, find my feet, feel my breath, dive into my music, offer some verbal guidance and watch the colours/dancers on the canvas/dance floor work their magic. The room becomes a piece of art, a co-creation of soul work. A soul mosaic. I have the honour to work with so many people, from 100 dancing maniacs on a Thursday at Dance Temple to 20 elders living with Dementia. The message is we all deserve the right to experience ourselves in healing motion. We ALL deserve the right to DANCE!!" Mixcloud: Website: Children We are once again on the lookout for a playmate for the children on Thursday nights. If you know of anyone who loves working with children and who is flexible and can roll with the shifting numbers and ages of the children who come, please let us know! This is a paid position. Carpooling Carpooling is a great option for getting to Dance Temple!! Meet at Embe Bakery at 6:40 pm to either give or get a ride! You can also check out the Dance Temple Carpool group and post for linkups. A reminder of Intoxicant-Free Space Dance Temple is a safe and sacred space that is intoxicant-free. If you are partaking in any substances before you come to dance, please do so discreetly and be aware of any scent that you may bring with you into the dance space. When we dance we are in a heightened state of sensitivity and we can strongly affect one another. “Let your body be the prayer Expressing devotion to Life.” ― Nona Jordan We are so honoured to be a hub of dance and community on this island, and are so grateful to those of you who come and dance with us! In dancing spirit ~ The Dance Temple Collective
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